Tonight 3 million Americans will sleep on an empty belly. 60% of the homless population is mentally ill. Our current culture is both cruel and disfunctional. Are we poised to see our brothers and sisters go hungry and bare the cold alone. Many of the homeless are elderly and certainly some self medicate. Could you blame them? This moment .51 cents on every dollar is going to murder people in other lands and ethnic cleansing the land of people who would oppose our exploiting their land for oil. We are puttng bases in Iraq and spread worse emperialism than our globe has ever seen. Not King George nor even Hiltler was this successfull and this kind exploitative action. Ok Suddam is gone. Now get out! We have no right! Our freedom is a free Universally given right! FREEDOM IS FREE! The current administration wants you to believe it costs billions and that we have to do what we are doing in Iraq to have it. So when you think of Homeless for the Holidays think internationally. Think Iraq, think Stockton California, think of what Empire does to create it. Now that the people have spoken and said NO MORE! to the Congress , the US Congress has shrunken in its agressive stance against the war. We need to demand that our leader do what we order him to do. His power is not absolute, it is not over our freedom. Lawyers can write and argue all they want. Our Human rights are to have freedom, and it is free! Blood shed is the resut of many well meaning people laying down their lives for a lying and greedy few rich who will continue to lie and continue to tell you that "FREEDOM IS NOT FREE".
FREEDOM IS FREE! Take care of people at home and cleanse the White House of its Empire Builders. Tell the Congress, NO MORE! CEASE AN DESIST! THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN AND FREEDOM IS STILL ONE OF THE FEW THINGS THAT IS FREE!