Cartoons, Paintings, Photos, now a Blog. Geeze I am pathetic. Tonight I am up late because I have troubles with the IRS. I don't mind giving money to the government, in fact I know they provide some good services (none of them being security). People need to have cash to teach our kids, give medical to the elderly and feed children in foster care. There are some very good things that government does. But the process of collecting my money is not as pretty as the picture I paint. Look at the rolling hills and blue sky. Notice there are no tax collectors in the painting. Everyone at the IRS I have talked to up till now has been very cool. They are filled with information that I cannot retain. I scribble down things as fast as I can. I constantly make head way and lose month to month. It is not that I don't make money. It is that I have a hard time collecting money. One company I worked for was on a 60 day payme plan. In that time my phone bill was getting crazy and in general I was busted. I squeaked by though. I got the money from them and now the IRS wants it. They'll get it! I just hope they are able to take it in little chunks. I want to pay Uncle Sam, I just need a little Mercy to do it little by little.