"Since the Dems got Da House we can wear Blue in Da old Neighborhood!"
Ok so now we have a poltential lame duck President. I always thought he was lame and most of the American people who still believe in the Presidency are the same people who beleive in Santa Claus. "Claus" sounds very, well...we won't get into that. Now that Palosi is up in Washington there is hope for the common folk. But Bi- Partisan? I hope not. If this country is to save it's soul then the only party Palosi needs listen to is the people. Remember "We the people"? Yeah, well that is a great idea but we need to make it so. People of the U.S. need to move the Empire out of the White House and USher the "The People" in. It may take years to do this but it's worth doing.
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