Let your imagination go nuts! Your hero can have unlimited powers or be a very "average" guy who just wants to fight evil! What ever you do think about what makes and interesting hero. Has your hero lived for a long time? If he has he could be super smart because he has had time to gather knowledge. Does your hero have a weakness? perhaps something others can relate to. That makes for a more complex hero but it also makes your hero some one others can relate to. Then write your in your bad guy. Why is your super villain a threat?
Do some research. You see if you have a mad scientist as a bad guy and you don't know anything about science, you better get on the ball and do some reading. What ever you do make both the illustration and the personality traits complex and interesting. Give your hero flaws...flaws that any one who reads about your hero could relate to.
Want to hear something dangerous? Make a bad guy that people can relate to. That also makes for a more complex story. Get attached to the bad guy before you know he is bad. Vulnerability makes for fine nemesis. OOOOOh this is gonna be fun! I am going to have to get to the drawing board tonight. Heck I drew this yesterday because developing a new Hero has been on my mind.
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