T J W a l k u p
© 2007 all rights reserved.
Well I hope you enjoy my humor and some of my commentary too. I do a range of illustrations that I hope excite your imagination. The pieces you see here are really diverse and should be fun to look at. Check out the links and email me if you feel like it. If you would like to use my cartoons for your newsletters or for your enjoyment please send me an email. I you are a non-profit I give huge breaks non-profits. (Some times free) at worst I would ask a $25.00 License Fee for Non-Profits.
If you are a joke writer and would like to collaberate, send me about 10 gags. If I illustrate and sell them we will partner on the check. 50/50 is how I do it.
Subjects ranging from childhood to coffee drinking. Hoping there is something for you, I have included some color pieces and fine art.
I have Directed these projects and would Love your input.
If you would like to support any of these projects…please contact me and I will make it possible for you to do so.
TJ Walkup