Ok so we all have to pay taxes. But do we have to pay all taxes? I am no tax expert so I am not here to offer you advice, well one word...WRITE! Write Nancy Pelosi and tell her to lean on Bush to use our money (Yes it is ours) to pay for health care, roads, small business loans, municipal management, Services, Safety (fire/police), EDUCATION! Etc. Anything but WAR. I am paying my taxes and hoping "W" gets a clue. The American People are fed up with his WAR. If you want your country back, write the white house and tell'm. Then pay your taxes, at least the ones that go to health care and education. Free speech is usually for those who can afford it. Katrina, school shootings, Anna Nicole Smiths' life is more interesting to POP Culture than the day to day mechanics of Democracy. If we actually had one it would be great. But you see when the rich and the Big Corporations are allowed to control Government then "the people" have no such thing. You want Democracy? Have no shame in critiquing our Government. For those who would say "Love it or Leave it" I say, I love my country enough to stay and change it! It would only be easy for those in power to have people of conscience move to Canada! NOPE! We are staying! And changing this ruse of a Democracy into something that is.