Any one every dream of making their own cartoon? Or at least having the skills to make one? Ok ever hoped you could show off your amazing brain by creating visual art with meaning? Well cartooning may or may not be for you. They don't always have to mean anything. Coolest thing about self expression is that it is just expression. Cartooning is a great way to get back at bullies and fight evil while keeping your day job. Imagine you go in to work your meaningless job day after day. Then you come home and get your pen to paper and fight villans in the evening hours. You are now a director/writer and creative master of your own comix! You see in the real world we can't fight all these villans, but in comix you can.
Invent Gods, Make the World a Safer place, Stop Evil! be a Cartoonist! ...if you feel like it you cold just monkey around with it.
You could take a personal class from me or a small group class. Call now!
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