Dear Oprah,
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Over the past couple of years I have been working on a project that has proven it self both challenging and rewarding. On a shoe string I have been producing a picture about a friend of mine. Cleven “Goodie” Goudeau. He is a man who has changed my life and history. What makes this soft-spoken gentleman so powerful to those who meet him? His true strength is in the fact that he has lived a life of “ positive proof”. What I mean by that is that he has shown me through example that one person can make a quiet difference in the world through culture and through Love. Goodie is a pioneer in the greeting card industry. He is the first African
American to put out a full line of “Contemporary African American Greeting Cards” from 1962 to the mid 70’s he made the most amazing greeting cards. I would bet that you have either received on of his cards or given one. His story needs to be told and told quickly. Recently he was informed that his ticker needed help. So one eye, 25% of his heart, diabetic, digestive cancer and a tumor in the brain later he is still making kids smile with his cartooning. He has a Cleo Award from the Thirst Buster Ads in the eighties. Remember “Who you gonna call? Thirst Busters!” done after the Ghostbusters Song. Well that was his campaign from when he was an Art Director at McCann Eriksson in NY.
His story is one of faith, hope, love and creativity. At a time when African Americans were not even represented in much of media or they were told “there is no market for African American greeting cards there”-Hallmark. Goodie continued with his idea and found support. In the 60’s things seemed nuts, the Black Panther Party first threw his cards in the street because they thought it was “White capitalism over Blacks”. When he informed them that they were made by an Afro-centric company so that the faces would represent his community, then they were celebrated! It wasn’t even in the consciousness yet. As time went by sayings like “Soul Sister” and “Black is Beautiful” or “Grow an Afro!” would become staples at Goodie Cards. Ten years later…Mahogany Line would be born. From that “other unmentionable company” as he would put it to me.
I love and respect this man. I would hope you and others of African American decent would also be inspired by him as well. To help me get his beautiful story out I am asking publicly for your help. Please watch the “GOODIE TRAILORS”.
My number is 415-643-0664