An almost daily blog by a guy who hates blogs, but loves to make cartoons. Let's start living our lives like they matter, but before I get too deep... let the cartoons do the talking! Call out the Government if you know they are doing something wrong. It is your right! If you want to see what I am up to professionally go to
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
THIS ART IS ALWAYS FOR SALE! PRESS MONKEYS! Inspired by a story written by Ingrid Heller. One Day I might be able to do nothing but cartoons for a living. I would hope that it would be soon. I would love to do nothing but drawings/paintings for kids books. Some of my favorite art is done by children's book artists. If any one actually looked at my blog they might commission me? Oh I must be dreaming.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Cartoons, Paintings, Photos, now a Blog. Geeze I am pathetic. Tonight I am up late because I have troubles with the IRS. I don't mind giving money to the government, in fact I know they provide some good services (none of them being security). People need to have cash to teach our kids, give medical to the elderly and feed children in foster care. There are some very good things that government does. But the process of collecting my money is not as pretty as the picture I paint. Look at the rolling hills and blue sky. Notice there are no tax collectors in the painting. Everyone at the IRS I have talked to up till now has been very cool. They are filled with information that I cannot retain. I scribble down things as fast as I can. I constantly make head way and lose month to month. It is not that I don't make money. It is that I have a hard time collecting money. One company I worked for was on a 60 day payme plan. In that time my phone bill was getting crazy and in general I was busted. I squeaked by though. I got the money from them and now the IRS wants it. They'll get it! I just hope they are able to take it in little chunks. I want to pay Uncle Sam, I just need a little Mercy to do it little by little.
Cartooning from Cafe's is good! TJ WALKUP
IN 2004 THE NOE VALLEY VOICE did a pretty good article on me and has inspired me to take my cartooning more seriously.
It hasn't been a landslide but it has been very cool. Ever since I started working with Goodie on the Documentary
Since then it has been and adventure in inspiration. I have met Morrie Turner (Wee Pals on Creators Syndicate), Ed Renfro (Award winning children's book illustrator from the 1960's), Etu Evans (Martel Man & shoe designer in Harlem, does shoes for Madonna), Al Freni (Time Magazine Books & President Eisenhower's personal Photog), Eddie Locke (Great Day In Harlem Jazz fame). I have met so many wonderful people in the process of promoting art. I may not be finacially rich from cartoons, but I am all inspired socially, politically and photographicly. I have been doing some political cartoons and recieved rejections from some of the best publishers. The New Yorker and such. cartooning for TJ Walkup is going to be a life long adventure, thanks to Goodie.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Apparently people see the world differently. Most of us see the glass half empty. Gas prices are bad but they can always get worse. They will. If the presidents buddies get their way the rest of us will continue to be unwilling slaves to support the wealthiest 1%. Did I call us slaves? I did. I did think of that concept as extreme, but now it seems to make sense in the current climate. Think about a people who are ruled by another class and do not benefit from the "commons". As the "commons" are ever disappearing into the pockets of the already wealthy, most of us are standing by watching the world being dominated by banks and misserable morons with power. Our President is a boob. Now at least we have Palosi. She may not seem to be enough but we a have to start some where. Oh and any woman that can manage more than three kids can handle the over grown babies like Dick Cheney and W. We know Condi is evil but we'll forgive her because we know she couldn't have slept her way to the top. And hey she is Black...I mean not to people like Arron McGruder. But hey we aren't asking for much in this country. We have to start letting people of color (all colors) get ahead in government. Women could save the world if we let them. If women out numbered men in government we would have a better run country. And if some one behaived like George W. Bush we could give them a permanent "TIME OUT!". I don't believe in spanking kids but if I thought it would help I'd say "some one should spank George.
Friday, January 26, 2007
TRI-Partisan Politics Cartoon
"Since the Dems got Da House we can wear Blue in Da old Neighborhood!"
Ok so now we have a poltential lame duck President. I always thought he was lame and most of the American people who still believe in the Presidency are the same people who beleive in Santa Claus. "Claus" sounds very, well...we won't get into that. Now that Palosi is up in Washington there is hope for the common folk. But Bi- Partisan? I hope not. If this country is to save it's soul then the only party Palosi needs listen to is the people. Remember "We the people"? Yeah, well that is a great idea but we need to make it so. People of the U.S. need to move the Empire out of the White House and USher the "The People" in. It may take years to do this but it's worth doing.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
It has taken so lobg to out wheels on a cart, thousands of years.
Now we have great cartoons. I was surfing the web and I get alerts and one of the alerts lead me to Wow what a resource for other cartoonists. Also Cartoon Opportunities and the movie Comicbook Confidential. My buddy Rob from (Secret Secret) intorduced me to an artist who has done work for DC. Big Al Gordon, well Al is a jaded and slightly bitter fella who seems to know everyone. He in fact knows tons of people who I either know or have had a brush with in some way. And if he doesn't have some direct connection then he knows their work. Smart guy, the kinda fella who could rule the world if givin the opportunity. Oh and if that world exsisted there would be more comix around and he wouldn't be in comix. Any who, I have been keeping up with Mike Lynch and Andertoons as well as always having Cleven "Goodie" Goudeau on my mind and in my immediate sphere. It has been and amazing two years. I have met amazing people and learned some incredible things as I get ready to enter the world of graphic novels, cartoons and actually getting involved in my community. There are so many paranoid people in San Francisco. It is both a pleasure and a challenge to be around all these people. Creativity fourishes in a paranoid society. The cartoonist are at the cent of everything of value in this culture. They all read so much. To write humor and to entertain the adolescent id while educating them on some level to the value of suspician in our communities. Will Eisner "I always felt that I was involved in a literary form" he also said, "here is a field in which you can take two ineptitudes and come up with an eptitude!"- Comic Book Confidential.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
OK WE HAVE IT! George Bushes' "Bi-Partison" "SOLUTION" is to send 20,000 more troops. This administration wants to play with words and call the new house speaker "venomous" when she speaks the truth? These guys will leave a legacy of manipulation, lies and death as they use power to murder innocent people in the name of "Homeland Security". Haven't we heard people like this before? In history people will write down W as he really is. A meat puppet for political Right Wing murderers.
Friday, January 19, 2007
IS IT LEGAL? should poo be able to back up in my shower? Is it mine? My land lord is impossible to get a hold of so I am going to try and figure out how to remedy this in a lowtech way. A plunger is in order today. I have had a lot of fiber lately and there is no excuse for this Sh&*! Since my land lord is usually MIA I will have to settle for hard work with the plunger. He gives us a good deal so I shouldn't complain.
IS IT LEGAL? should poo be able to back up in my shower? Is it mine? My land lord is impossible to get a hold of so I am going to try and figure out how to remedy this in a lowtech way. A plunger is in order today. I have had a lot of iber lately and there is no excuse for this Sh&*! Since my land lord is usually MIA I will have to settle for hard work with the plunger. He gives us a good deal so I shouldn't complain.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Ok now the holiday is over. Thank God! What the hell are people thinking? I find myself getting depressed every Christmas. Usually I am broke or sometimes it's just the weather and gaining more weight that gets me down. What ever it is I am happy I wasn't put on the "naughty list". If you managed to avoid it too, then hats off to you! As you can see by my Christmas card cover the "naughty list" is the wrong list to be on.
FIRE YOUR BOSS! Remember no one is really the boss of you but you! Sure you got to eat, but isn't it better to have a modest meal bought with cash you earned that some one owed you because you worked hard then money you got from some corperate suit idiotwho believes that you still owe him because he gave you the job? Well buddy listen close when I fired my boss it was because I kinda like my dignity. I would rather eat horse vomit then lose my dignity to some privledged jerko who thinks he is doing me a favor getting work done he needs to have done well. When I met this ass I was looking for a job, so looking for a job doesn't scare me! It is just as much my fault if I let some moron abuse me or speak down to me. In fact I know that I am smarter than this simple pimple on the ass of humanity. I was having dreams about making a cartoon where my boss is a piniata. So you think I am angry at that point? Of course. It is my fault if I don't do something about it. Oh and when I quit...I found out that I had a support group of people I have known for years who were asking me "I was wondering why you hadn't done that years ago". Every one has been great. So if you do good work, don't take your self for granted. FIRE YOUR BOSS! Let some one who is to stupid to know what abuse is get the job. Their ignorance will save them from caring.
Lung Disease can make you Weaze!
Ok I am home sick and why do you care? I really can't stand blogs so why did I start one? I guess when you are home sick and you have some time on your hands and there is a limit to what you can do because people owe you money and you are broke and bitter! What do you do? START YOUR OWN BLOG! Who cares about what I think? It is pathetic, I mean this is an online diary. Something 13 year old girls write so other 13 year old girls can see how much they love some one. I don't get it. But I will try it. Maybe I am just as goofy as a 13 year old girl. It's a new year. I have got to do something.
Get rid of my belly? Excercise? Start smoking?...If you are reading my blog you have to much time on your hands.
Get rid of my belly? Excercise? Start smoking?...If you are reading my blog you have to much time on your hands.
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