Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pirates RRRR a Comin!

Prop 98 is crap. Don't do it! Vote yes on 99!

If rent control goes away then it will broaden the divide between the rich and poor, the middlish class will become poor and the poor will be poorer. A "Rascal Multitude may prevail".

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Radical Illustration is not enough!

It is time to take off the gloves!....and hold hands? Yup, we need more love and healing in this world. I remember a time when I was young that people loved each other. I was loved and nurtured and given a good home despite possible circumstances that could have gone wrong. Love can really give us what we need to help us along the way. We should love each other liberally. Fear and prejudice are what makes for a society that has us feeling disconnected from our fellow man.