There are so many "fakers" out there. Kids who have some punky like substance for hair like stinky dreads or liberty spikes or whatever and have no punk ethic. They are simply dressed up sheep. Same hairdos as 80's "revolutionaries" and poster punk brats from the suburbs who have money from dead relatives to go to school but pretend they come from poverty. They suck. DIY is buzz and Anarchy is used as a claim to fame for directionless little twats that throw bricks through a Jamba Juice window to show how angry they are for the white middle class upbringing. Maybe you are lonely and you feel like you don't fit, well shove off most young people do...infact most people at some point in their lives do. Does that make you a "freak?" NO. THIS JUST IN: You are like everyone else. There is nothing special about you. You are so average I have no way to describe you. You are not a new thing, a revolutionary or special. If you are a vegetarian or vegan you are even more painfully normal than you think. In fact what makes you so average is your denial.
Denial of everything that evolution has lumped you in with. Real vegetarians or vegans have no front teeth. Look at every Mamal that eats nothing but veggies. Take a deer for instance...eyes on the sides of heads and no front teeth...they have those eyes because they are looking out for "omnivors" ..that would be us.
So if you think you are punk/or revolutionary/ or politically awake/ or counter culture/ or doing something new...shove off you trickle brain. Wake up and smell the fare trade shade grown coffee you are making for the folks who are contributing to society. (Not to say that baristas don't contribute) just saying the odds are if you don't wear deodorant because it "isn't natural" that you offend more than just must hate your self. You may not have a highly skilled job. And if you own it then it is a career. Also if you work this job then you probably do it for one of two reasons. You may actually have a need to support your self and even kids. I give you my respect. To the others with trust funds who can afford to fly from coast to coast to throw bricks at windows in small businesses... you are a total moron. Those people don't deserve my respect. You mindless brats with silver spoons have college paid for and never have been need a sock in the nose. Or maybe...just maybe you need to live in the projects for a bit. Go hungry for a week. Perhaps you should go do a job that requires some humility.
I've seen what selfish looks like. It is someone who wears poverty like a put on and take off at will. Next time you throw a brick through a store window you remember who your target is. Is it really the people who are working poor? Do they deserve your wrath? That's not Punk. That is not aggression toward the State. It isn't even Anarchy. That is plain ass hole. You see that could have been me relying on that check to feed me. Or my single parent Mother trying to stay on top of bills piling up. It could have been anyone but you... you fakes. Choose your target. You put poor working people in your sights. You better hope we don't come out and meet you in the street to school you in ass whoopin!
Also you should use soap/deodorant and tooth paste it helps me keep friends, it might do something for you too.
An almost daily blog by a guy who hates blogs, but loves to make cartoons. Let's start living our lives like they matter, but before I get too deep... let the cartoons do the talking! Call out the Government if you know they are doing something wrong. It is your right! If you want to see what I am up to professionally go to
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Following Article is Printed by Permission;
©2008 Carol Harvey, all rights reserved.
This is to hot to print anywhere else!
I was a Chicago high school student. Black-suited men rapped on our door ordering my terrified father to “Name Names,” or lose his job. My parents, Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party unionists, joined writers and artists like Pete Seeger and Ring Lardner, in the Communist Party.
It wasn’t from bad civics classes that I blanked on my democratic rights under the first ten Constitutional amendments. For years, I avoided politics. I’m still in recovery from an irritating rash left behind by red diaper baby PTSD.
I learned realities of Fascist life early. Maxine Goldbarg said neighbors called her family “Those Jews who caused the War.” Mom warned me not to utter the word “communion.” As a teacher, I took loyalty oaths. I feared denial of a passport.
In The End of America – Letter of Warning to A Young Patriot, Naomi Wolf lists systematic steps by which, democratic rights are dismantled. Allende’s Chile, Bolivia, Indonesia, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Germany, East Germany, and Russia were converted from open to closed totalitarian states.
Like German Jews, the homeless are the Front Guard. During national conversion from Democracy to Fascism, they suffer first what we suffer last.
Neither Presidential candidate has outlined plans to resolve homelessness. But, which would preserve our democratic rights and which quick-step the country into the Bush-Cheney Fascist wetdream that Wolf’s book outlines below?
1. External and Internal Threats.
In the September Bay Guardian, [“What are safe streets? – Mayoral task force looks for ways to protect people in San Francisco from the homeless,”] Amanda Witherell described loss of tourism dollars, not from crime, but from “unpredictable” homeless behavior, reflecting the highest value of our Capitalist Republic – Money.
Honoring Sister Bernie Galvin’s retirement from Religious Witness with Homeless People, activist Richard Marquez quoted Brazilian educator, Paolo Friere asking a woman in a homeless shelter, “Are you American?” Tearfully, she answered, “No! I am poor.” Friere wrote, “That desolate woman expressed…the absence of citizenship. She had been expelled from existence itself.” We treat those without money and homeless as “non-people” without civil or human rights.
Like Hitler’s Jews or Bush’s Al Qaeda “evildoers” with their alleged 911 attempt to annihilate us, the internal threat endangering American capitalism most is the Poor’s public presence interferencing with commerce, bringing the nation down. The protofascist tactic is to scapegoat them as “Others” --- lazy, crazy, addicted, choosing to live on streets. These Dangerous Unsuccessful must suffer and die. Ignore these coalmine canaries at our peril. They foretell our fate.
In a recent SF Weekly article, “Homeless SF State students struggle to stay in school and stay loaded,” Trey Bundy undermines his stereotype of druggies’ deliberate street life. He quotes “Steve” describing depression resulting from an “abusive,”“dysfunctional” family. “That’s why we’re out here. No one in his right mind would be … [homeless].”
Supervisor Angela Alioto, with her strong record of helping the poor, once observed she never saw a homeless person refuse shelter.
By promoting stereotypic scapegoats, such articles skirt homelessness’ root causes which Nixon and Reagan accelerated by underfunding affordable housing. Workers and students in San Francisco’s high rent district, earn wages too meager for housing and quadruple up in apartments.
2. Secret prisons.
Mortgage meltdowns force families from homes. Secret Guantanamos are exposed. Media covered the New Orleans Superdome, showing “Average” citizens the emotional and physical abuse inflicted in homeless shelters.
3. A paramilitary force.
Security habitually harass homeless people.
We are numbed watching TV Cops brutalizing citizens. “Don’t taze me, Bro!” normalizes the presence of police and hired mercenaries waging war on us. In 2006, burly Blackwater guards protecting CEOs from CPMC hospital picketers told me they’d returned from Iraq through New Orleans where they shot people hip-deep in water “looting” food. Amy Goodman, and 14 Republican convention protesters, roughed up and tazed by police, were released from St. Paul jails picking copper wires from their skin.
4. Surveil Ordinary Citizens
Living on streets, homeless “citizens” are easily surveiled. Police Chief Heather Fong at Mayor Newsom’s Street and Neighborhoods workgroup, intended to make downtown “more uncomfortable for homeless and poor people” who “act strangely” and “talk to themselves” (though) “they haven’t committed a crime.” Police sweeps routinely confiscate homeless belongings, violating the Fourth Amendment prohibition against search and seizure.
The Mayor’s workgroup may request data about homeless vendors. Together with information stored in the computerized shelter reservation system “CHANGES,” this could be fed into the National Crime Information Computer Center downloadable to any officer’s laptop, criminalizing the unhoused.
Currently, “We”are experiencing a loss of fourth amendment rights of privacy of our papers. Writes Wolf, “According to the ACLU,” activists should assume “Your e-mail may be monitored and your phone calls tracked.”
5. Infiltrate Citizens’ Groups. “The next time you meet with your anti-war group,” (or a Street Sheet meeting), “…ask yourself if everyone present really is who you think he or she is.”
6. Arbitrarily detain and release citizens.
First Amendment Constitutional rights of the unhoused to assemble --- to sleep, stand, or sit alone or together on sidewalks, under bridges, in encampments in order to secure mutual protection, clean beds, food, and facilities, are routinely violated by police water-cannon washdowns or illegal levy of tickets for “quality of life infractions.” When multiple fines become too high to pay, people are often jailed and released.
Liberal Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy and singer Cat Stevens, now Usef Islam, were detained in airports, “on national security grounds,” according to Wolf.
7. Target Key Individuals.
“Job loss and career setbacks are the first kinds of pressure these people are likely to face.”
Advocates Sister Bernie Galvin, Supervisor Chris Daly and Coalition founder, Paul Boden have been misrepsented for years by the pro-Newsom ‘Chronicle.’
8. Restrict the Press.
“In dictatorships, targeting free press begins with political pressure.” Commentator, Keith Olberman, refers to Fox as “Fixed News.” Journalists know Americans get restricted inaccurate news, stunting our world view.
If you buy our paper, please read and take it seriously? Peer past the mainstream press’ negative PR and distorted homeless news. Coalition advocates offer through ‘Street Sheet’ well-researched documentation and solid reporting and are the City’s homelessness paper of record.
9. Cast Criticism as “Espionage” and Dissent as “Treason.”
Police distribute a photo depicting Chris Daly open-mouthed in an officer’s face, painting him a lawbreaker. Protesting Hastings’ threat to replace housing with parking structures, Daly grimaces painfully from the officer’s thumb lock.
10. Subvert the Rule of Law.
The unconstitutionality of quality of life “infractions” doesn’t stop City officials denying citizens without walls the right to rest, lie, or sit in the only place they can --- under the sky.
As of today, legendary Bush-Cheney subversions of Rule of Law evoke constant cries to “Impeach.”
A famous caution about our present political predicament is apt.
"In Germany, they came for Communists. I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t Communist;
They came for trade unionists, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
They came for Jews, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
They came for me . . . By that time there was no one left to speak up."
Pastor Martin Niemoller
©2008 Carol Harvey, all rights reserved.
This is to hot to print anywhere else!
I was a Chicago high school student. Black-suited men rapped on our door ordering my terrified father to “Name Names,” or lose his job. My parents, Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party unionists, joined writers and artists like Pete Seeger and Ring Lardner, in the Communist Party.
It wasn’t from bad civics classes that I blanked on my democratic rights under the first ten Constitutional amendments. For years, I avoided politics. I’m still in recovery from an irritating rash left behind by red diaper baby PTSD.
I learned realities of Fascist life early. Maxine Goldbarg said neighbors called her family “Those Jews who caused the War.” Mom warned me not to utter the word “communion.” As a teacher, I took loyalty oaths. I feared denial of a passport.
In The End of America – Letter of Warning to A Young Patriot, Naomi Wolf lists systematic steps by which, democratic rights are dismantled. Allende’s Chile, Bolivia, Indonesia, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Germany, East Germany, and Russia were converted from open to closed totalitarian states.
Like German Jews, the homeless are the Front Guard. During national conversion from Democracy to Fascism, they suffer first what we suffer last.
Neither Presidential candidate has outlined plans to resolve homelessness. But, which would preserve our democratic rights and which quick-step the country into the Bush-Cheney Fascist wetdream that Wolf’s book outlines below?
1. External and Internal Threats.
In the September Bay Guardian, [“What are safe streets? – Mayoral task force looks for ways to protect people in San Francisco from the homeless,”] Amanda Witherell described loss of tourism dollars, not from crime, but from “unpredictable” homeless behavior, reflecting the highest value of our Capitalist Republic – Money.
Honoring Sister Bernie Galvin’s retirement from Religious Witness with Homeless People, activist Richard Marquez quoted Brazilian educator, Paolo Friere asking a woman in a homeless shelter, “Are you American?” Tearfully, she answered, “No! I am poor.” Friere wrote, “That desolate woman expressed…the absence of citizenship. She had been expelled from existence itself.” We treat those without money and homeless as “non-people” without civil or human rights.
Like Hitler’s Jews or Bush’s Al Qaeda “evildoers” with their alleged 911 attempt to annihilate us, the internal threat endangering American capitalism most is the Poor’s public presence interferencing with commerce, bringing the nation down. The protofascist tactic is to scapegoat them as “Others” --- lazy, crazy, addicted, choosing to live on streets. These Dangerous Unsuccessful must suffer and die. Ignore these coalmine canaries at our peril. They foretell our fate.
In a recent SF Weekly article, “Homeless SF State students struggle to stay in school and stay loaded,” Trey Bundy undermines his stereotype of druggies’ deliberate street life. He quotes “Steve” describing depression resulting from an “abusive,”“dysfunctional” family. “That’s why we’re out here. No one in his right mind would be … [homeless].”
Supervisor Angela Alioto, with her strong record of helping the poor, once observed she never saw a homeless person refuse shelter.
By promoting stereotypic scapegoats, such articles skirt homelessness’ root causes which Nixon and Reagan accelerated by underfunding affordable housing. Workers and students in San Francisco’s high rent district, earn wages too meager for housing and quadruple up in apartments.
2. Secret prisons.
Mortgage meltdowns force families from homes. Secret Guantanamos are exposed. Media covered the New Orleans Superdome, showing “Average” citizens the emotional and physical abuse inflicted in homeless shelters.
3. A paramilitary force.
Security habitually harass homeless people.
We are numbed watching TV Cops brutalizing citizens. “Don’t taze me, Bro!” normalizes the presence of police and hired mercenaries waging war on us. In 2006, burly Blackwater guards protecting CEOs from CPMC hospital picketers told me they’d returned from Iraq through New Orleans where they shot people hip-deep in water “looting” food. Amy Goodman, and 14 Republican convention protesters, roughed up and tazed by police, were released from St. Paul jails picking copper wires from their skin.
4. Surveil Ordinary Citizens
Living on streets, homeless “citizens” are easily surveiled. Police Chief Heather Fong at Mayor Newsom’s Street and Neighborhoods workgroup, intended to make downtown “more uncomfortable for homeless and poor people” who “act strangely” and “talk to themselves” (though) “they haven’t committed a crime.” Police sweeps routinely confiscate homeless belongings, violating the Fourth Amendment prohibition against search and seizure.
The Mayor’s workgroup may request data about homeless vendors. Together with information stored in the computerized shelter reservation system “CHANGES,” this could be fed into the National Crime Information Computer Center downloadable to any officer’s laptop, criminalizing the unhoused.
Currently, “We”are experiencing a loss of fourth amendment rights of privacy of our papers. Writes Wolf, “According to the ACLU,” activists should assume “Your e-mail may be monitored and your phone calls tracked.”
5. Infiltrate Citizens’ Groups. “The next time you meet with your anti-war group,” (or a Street Sheet meeting), “…ask yourself if everyone present really is who you think he or she is.”
6. Arbitrarily detain and release citizens.
First Amendment Constitutional rights of the unhoused to assemble --- to sleep, stand, or sit alone or together on sidewalks, under bridges, in encampments in order to secure mutual protection, clean beds, food, and facilities, are routinely violated by police water-cannon washdowns or illegal levy of tickets for “quality of life infractions.” When multiple fines become too high to pay, people are often jailed and released.
Liberal Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy and singer Cat Stevens, now Usef Islam, were detained in airports, “on national security grounds,” according to Wolf.
7. Target Key Individuals.
“Job loss and career setbacks are the first kinds of pressure these people are likely to face.”
Advocates Sister Bernie Galvin, Supervisor Chris Daly and Coalition founder, Paul Boden have been misrepsented for years by the pro-Newsom ‘Chronicle.’
8. Restrict the Press.
“In dictatorships, targeting free press begins with political pressure.” Commentator, Keith Olberman, refers to Fox as “Fixed News.” Journalists know Americans get restricted inaccurate news, stunting our world view.
If you buy our paper, please read and take it seriously? Peer past the mainstream press’ negative PR and distorted homeless news. Coalition advocates offer through ‘Street Sheet’ well-researched documentation and solid reporting and are the City’s homelessness paper of record.
9. Cast Criticism as “Espionage” and Dissent as “Treason.”
Police distribute a photo depicting Chris Daly open-mouthed in an officer’s face, painting him a lawbreaker. Protesting Hastings’ threat to replace housing with parking structures, Daly grimaces painfully from the officer’s thumb lock.
10. Subvert the Rule of Law.
The unconstitutionality of quality of life “infractions” doesn’t stop City officials denying citizens without walls the right to rest, lie, or sit in the only place they can --- under the sky.
As of today, legendary Bush-Cheney subversions of Rule of Law evoke constant cries to “Impeach.”
A famous caution about our present political predicament is apt.
"In Germany, they came for Communists. I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t Communist;
They came for trade unionists, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
They came for Jews, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
They came for me . . . By that time there was no one left to speak up."
Pastor Martin Niemoller
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ralph Nader is not a cartoon!

Ralph Nader is truely a tragic hero. He is a constant reminder that we have a broken Democary in this country...whoops I meant to say Democracy didn't I? Well none the less here is a man who by shear will has marked our world in positive ways he himself may never quite be ever thanked for. Wonder how it is that cars are safe enough now that you can survive a crash ? Or labels on food? Many consumer laws that we take for granted are the result of Ralph Nader's work. He deserves to be President. He more than likely will never be. We don't live in a just world, if we did then he would get a chance to debate and if people heard him he might even get votes.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sister Bernie Galvin
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